
Friday 7 February 2014

JEJU 9th Day: Bersantai Di Jeju (AQUARIUM & FOLK VILLAGE)

Lama tak menulis. Maaflah peminat semua... haha...selalu sama ada balik terlalu lewat kerana kerja atau malam2 p bersukan. Semenjak join program JOM KURUS 1 MALAYSIA anjuran Kelvin Kahri ni asyik bersukan jer aku. Siap ada alat baru utk monitor heart rate lagi tu iaitu sebentuk jam tangan Suunto Quest yang daku beli 2nd dari seorang kawan yang amat budiman.

Bergayakan?? Yezza... x yah la tahu harga. Utk kesihatan. 
Sebelum kita masuk ke topik blog posting kali ni just nak mention kalau sapa yang baca posting ni before 8hb Februari 2014 maka anda harus klik pada gambar di bawah ini lagi2 kalau anda adalah serang penulis blog juga. Ia adalah perjumpaan blogger dan pembaca blog. Kalau datang, boleh la jumpa saya kat sana. (ceh.. budget pamous la tu.) mcm kata Ziera #masukbakulsendiridahtaknakkeluar then yaya lak kata "Ada ke bakul yang muat abg Hafiz tu" ... meh... haha.... silalah datang ya.

Oklah... pas lepak kat Seupjikoji kami pun drive ke aqua planet... dikhabarkan bahawa ianya adalah aqarium terbesar kat South Korea ni.. ntah betul ke tak fakta aku ni tapi ramai yang suggest g sini instead yang kat Seoul. So kami pergilah...

Dia dekat sangat dengan tempat kita lepak tadi... kiranya keluar2 jer nampak... sebenarnya on the way masuk lagi dah boleh nampak cuma tak singgah dulu. Nak detail lebih pasal Jeju Aquarium Planet ni sila KLIK DISINI.

Peminat2 korea pasti kenal tempat ni.

So nak masuk kena ada 38,400 KRW lebih kurang RM110 la mcm tu (dah penat nak congak). Kami masuk takat tangkaap gambar dalam ni sikit2 dan beli air minuman. Then kami teruskan perjalanan. Well, bukan tak teringin nak masuk tapi masa tak mengizinkan dan duit pun semakin kurang. T__T

So kami terus lagi menaiki KIA K5 kami untuk ke Folk Village. Ada 2 folk village kat sini. Satu ni lebih kmpung dan satu ni dah ala2 muziumlah iaitu Jeju Folk Village. Since kat situ paling dekat maka kami pun p la sana...

haa... nak tahu ceritanya... tunggu posting akan datang. haha..

Kiranya kami tak belanja apa2 lagi...

Up Next: JEJU 9th Day: Bersantai Di Jeju (Slave Hunter!)

"We at sifusempoi try to bring out the best in every journey that we took though we are not guaranteeing that this will work for everyone but we believe it will work on most people. Throughout writing this blog we might give incorrect information or misinterpretation of subjects so we advice you not to depend solely on this blog. However we promise that it is in our best interest to give the most accurate information as possible. We are not an official source for any tourism, shops, company nor country and what we promote here are solely based on our journey and expectations. When we post anything about food, we DO NOT RECOMMEND it to anyone. We are just saying that we ate there and we believe its OK to eat there. Most of the picture I've watermark are copyright of SifuFoto, SifuSempoi, Oh!Photography and all its partners. Thank you for reading and please spread the word about our blog as a token of appreciation. Roger and Out."


  1. If i'm not mistaken boleh tahan mahal jugak Suunto tue kan? Range dalam RM450 to RM2400 kan? Correct me if i'm wrong. :D

    1. yezza.. lebih kurang mcm tu la... saya punya di antara harga tu ^__^

    2. BTW beautiful blog you have there. Nice....

  2. cantik jam tangan...nanti jgn lupa show off hasil join program jom kurus tu..komen tak de kena mengenan ngan tajuk :-)

    1. Tu la komen sume pasal jam tu :p haha... yezza JM.. tunggu 6 pack saya... kekeke...

  3. omk i is very the jeles.. dah lame aim jam Suunto ni for my daily jog ... tapi duit asyik tak berlebih jer... mampu tengok dari jauh jer la nampaknye T_T

    1. The thing is that you dont have to buy it at full price nowdays. Like m2 for example it will cost you around rm450 or less to own one from the online store eg. Outdoor Adventure Supply in or a blogger I know who order the product on regular basis and do it as a business from UK coz it cheaper there. Here are his number, u can watsapp him: 0124458483. his price for m2 is rm420. then again you are running so you might need to buy the running pod which will cost you rm300 OMG thats why i dont buy running pod. You can ask him wather or not he sells the m2 running pack it cheaper that way.

  4. Jam lawa.. fungsi yg amat bagus huhuhuu.. harga sebagus fungsi nyer lah kan hahaha :D

    1. Haha... Terima kasih. Dia agak mahal mungkin kerana x berapa ramai lg yg gunakannya :)
