
Thursday 5 December 2013

Seoul 6th Day: SELAMAT HARI RAYA! (Special Edition!)

Ini adalah posting selingan. Ada 2 gambar dan 1 video yang kami sengaja mau kasi tambah.

Gambar pertama ini di ambil dalam subway. Orang korea ni mmg suka bertepek2 tido mcm ni... keke... sebenarnya mmg ye pun, kalau kita naik subway mereka. Kalau lelaki dia bertindan2 tido mcm ni normal. Sama2 kawan ni, kadang2 tu sampai 3 orang sebaris jer ...

Gambar kedua ini adalah tapak di mana dahulunya Hard Rock Cafe Korea. Dan itulah satu2 nya Hard Rock Cafe di Seoul dan di South Korea. Dia terletak di Itaewon dan di sebelah Himilton Hotel Itaewon.

Ok video di bawah ini anda boleh mendengar suara gema takbir dari Masjid Itaewon dan betapa smartnya sahabat kita ini dalam penuh tulus dan ikhlas menyambut panggilan takbir.

Sorry Fir, dua2 ni pun pasal ko :p selamat hari raya Fir... kehehe...

Ok, jangan lupa ikuti sambungan kisah seterusnya dalam

Seoul 6th Day: SELAMAT HARI RAYA! (Part 2: Hongik Universiti)  

"We at sifusempoi try to bring out the best in every journey that we took though we are not guaranteeing that this will work for everyone but we believe it will work on most people. Throughout writing this blog we might give incorrect information or misinterpretation of subjects so we advice you not to depend solely on this blog. However we promise that it is in our best interest to give the most accurate information as possible. We are not an official source for any tourism, shops, company nor country and what we promote here are solely based on our journey and expectations. When we post anything about food, we DO NOT RECOMMEND it to anyone. We are just saying that we ate there and we believe its OK to eat there. Most of the picture I've watermark are copyright of SifuFoto, SifuSempoi, Oh!Photography and all its partners. Thank you for reading and please spread the word about our blog as a token of appreciation. Roger and Out."

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